Campbell High School is a public high school and International Baccalaureate magnet school located in Smyrna, Georgia U.S., northwest of Atlanta.

McDaniel Stadium (refurbished with new artificial turf and other amenities in the Fall of 2010), sits at the rear of the school. It runs parallel to the connected back parking lot and Bus Port, which functions as the practice field for the Spartan Marching Band in the Fall. Across Ward Street from the Main Office are the tennis courts and practice fields, as well as athletic fields for both softball and baseball.

Capacity per venue:
Stadium- 1200
Gwyn-McClure Gym – 900
Wills Gym – 500
Softball – 120
Gwyn-McClure Gym- 900

Campbell High School offers 27 sports: 
Basketball (Boys & Girls)
Cross Country (Boys & Girls) 
Fencing (Boys & Girls)
Golf (Boys & Girls)
Lacrosse (Boys & Girls)
Riflery  (Boys & Girls)
Soccer (Boys & Girls)
Swim/Dive (Boys & Girls)
Track and Field (Boys & Girls)
Tennis (Boys & Girls)
Wrestling (Boys & Girls)